当前位置:绿苑小说网>目录>第23章 克里姆林宫:铁幕1985第十八章「幕间」腐化与宠物

第23章 克里姆林宫:铁幕1985第十八章「幕间」腐化与宠物

  # 历史的发展,好像是首先要麻醉这个国家的人民,然后才有可能把他们从历来的麻木状态中唤醒似的。—卡尔·马克思
































































   “害怕被控制,也害怕失败。” 他说,放开了她。“害怕一切,但最重要的是,害怕自己。”

























   玛吉生了气,说:“我要去洗手间。” 特雷古波娃打开门说:“当然。我会送她去洗手间。”罗曼诺夫翻了个白眼。“我有重要的工作要做。我不需要照顾化妆间。”玛吉走了出去,仍然闷闷不乐。特雷古波娃关上了门。





























































































   特雷古波娃回到房间,坐在她的书桌旁。 特雷古波娃笑了。“好吧,从那里起来。我需要考虑一下。” 她抓住桌子的边缘把自己拉起来。















































































































































































































































































   * * *

















































































   Tregubova crossed the hallway, her heels clicking on the corridor. She clenches and unclenches her fists, her breathing rapid and shallow. She can feel the bile burning its way up her throat, but she wills herself to remain calm and collected.

   At the end of the hallway, she sees him.

   \\"He must be able to see something.\\"

   She takes a step towards him. He hears her and turns around. They were both silent for a moment.

   \\"What is it?\\" Tregubova finally asked.

   \\"Irish tap dance, don\\u0027t you think those Soviet choir girls dance it well? Both Slavic and Asian girls.\\" Romanov put his finger down and said that in the center of the hall was the Soviet Girls\\u0027 Choir performing Irish Tap.

   \\"Really? That\\u0027s... unsettling.\\"

   \\"Unsettling? Perhaps, but I rather think it\\u0027s fascinating.\\" Romanov turns his attention back to the tap dance. \\"And, to be truthful, I was rather hoping you\\u0027d be here for a different reason entirely.\\"

   Tregubova stares at the dance. The choir continues to tap dance in a circle, the lead soprano young and rather plump, her legs rather short and her arms rather long. The tap dancer is only half-nodding in time with the music.

   \\"Don\\u0027t you think it\\u0027s strange that they\\u0027re dancing that instead of the national anthem?\\" Tregubova asked. \\"No, they should dance sexy and artistically beautiful.\\" Romanov shook his head again and instructed Tregubova to sit next to him.

   \\"It\\u0027s nothing personal. It\\u0027s simply that the song has a deeper meaning than you know. The entire performance is a metaphor.\\"

   \\"A metaphor for what?\\" \\"I ask you, what can I do further when I can get these girls to tap dance instead of singing Katyusha?\\" Romanov said suggestively, staring at her. He had a flirty, yet sly look to his eyes. Tregubova averted her gaze.

   \\"I see.\\" \\"Power leads to corruption and decay, what if I had a ballerina or a stewardess replace you?\\"

   \\"How could you...?\\" Tregubova says, but Romanov holds his hand up silencing her.

   \\"I wouldn\\u0027t. It\\u0027s impossible. Besides, I have no interest in corruption. You\\u0027re incorruptible.\\" Tregubova blushes and turns her attention to the dancing girls. \\"I see. They\\u0027re merely a... metaphor, then.\\"


   \\"And how exactly does one become incorruptible?\\" Tregubova asked. \\"Do you have a potion or something?\\" \\"As I said it\\u0027s a metaphor, what do you think you represent in this metaphor for the Soviet Union? And what do the dancing girls represent? And what do I represent? What is it that determines you?\\"

   \\"I don\\u0027t know anything about metaphysics... but if I were you, I would concentrate on the ballerinas. They\\u0027re young and beautiful. You could try to corrupt them... or something.\\" Romanov shook his head and said, \\"Think carefully, don\\u0027t see things from your personal point of view for a while, and then answer me.\\"

   \\"I don\\u0027t understand,\\" Tregubova said, confused.

   \\"Let me put it more bluntly, what is it that determines whether you are clean or not? What is it that you won\\u0027t be caught and convicted in prison?\\"

   Tregubova had no answer. She didn\\u0027t want to admit that she was corruptible, that she would be controlled by others, that her entire future was out of her hands.

   \\"I think you understand that some things are not whether you do them or not, but whether you have value. For example, Fultseva, without Khrushchev she is nothing.\\" Romanov finished staring at her and fell silent. Tregubova stared at her lap. She knew where this discussion was going and she didn\\u0027t like it. \\"In this hall, we are all controlled. Only the controllers are different. My controller has no way of defeating it, it can give up on you and let you die for some reason like corruption, and then replace the young girls who are dancing and end the show on their stockings.\\"

   \\"That\\u0027s a rather brutal analysis.\\"

   \\"But an accurate one,\\" Romanov answered. \\"So, what will you do? Will you be controlled and perish in the same way as all the others here?\\"

   \\"No...\\" Tregubova said.

   \\"Therefore, you are incorruptible.\\" Romanov held up his hand to silence her protests. \\"As long as I believe, you are! But if you lose my trust or if I fail?\\"

   \\"Then?\\" Tregubova asked, still shocked that he would make such a threat against her.

   \\"Then, you will be crushed like a bug.\\" He made a crushing gesture with his hand. \\"Like all the others here.\\"

   The threat hung over Tregubova, but it was a performance. She wasn\\u0027t afraid. She could play this game all night.

   \\"So, what will you do?\\" Romanov asked again.

   Tregubova thought about the question. She stared at the man, and tried to think of something to gain his trust. To her surprise, she remembered what he\\u0027d said earlier and decided to use it on him.

   \\"I\\u0027ll... become a better leader,\\" she said, remembering his words.

   Romanov\\u0027s eyes widened. \\"I hope so, you understand what happens when you fail.\\" He added with a warning that she needed to answer.

   \\"What happens when I fail?\\" \\"Why do you think the Soviet Politburo shot Brezhnev\\u0027s daughter? Was it just for those jewels she was smuggling and selling?\\" He asked rhetorically, running his hand over her lips to stop her from speaking. \\"They killed her just like they killed her father. They kill you... if you fail. You understand the rules, don\\u0027t you?\\" She nodded. \\"Very well, you understand that if I fail, those who have turned a blind eye to your bribery in the past will get you killed, that is, your true integrity can be faked. If I continue to rule only if you live, now, tell me what you are?\\" He asked, releasing his hand.

   Tregubova stared at the hand and thought of how to answer.

   \\"I... am loyal.\\"

   \\"You\\u0027re loyal, will still be a good mother, and are my dog.\\"


   \\"I have a weakness for those who are loyal,\\" Romanov answered. \\"Tell me more.\\"

   \\"Well, you... you\\u0027re very fond of me, right?\\" she asked.

   \\"Certainly, I\\u0027ll continue to rule with you by my side,\\" he answered.

   \\"Good, good. You\\u0027re very... handsome. I mean, you look like a good leader, I\\u0027m sure... I mean, you\\u0027re not really old or anything, but...\\" \\"I understand, you\\u0027re worried that I\\u0027m too old?\\"

   Tregubova nodded.

   \\"As long as you are loyal, you need not be afraid. I shall be young and strong for the foreseeable future.\\"

   \\"Well, I guess you\\u0027re good then.\\" Tregubova smiled, relieved.

   \\"Tell me, how do you think this performance is going?\\"

   \\"I think... it\\u0027s going well.\\" \\"Me too, I want to adopt you as an adopted daughter.\\"

   Tregubova smiled and batted her lashes.

   \\"I\\u0027m flattered. Perhaps we should take things slow.\\" \\"Yes, no one else knows about the baby, right?\\" He asked, stroking the small of her back.

   \\"Correct,\\" she said.

   He leaned in for a quick, passionate, and unexplained kissing. She felt his cheek against her face,

   \\"My fear?\\"

   \\"Fear of being controlled, and fear of failure.\\" He said, releasing her. \\"Fear of everything, but most of all, fear of yourself.\\"

   \\"I\\u0027m not afraid of anything,\\" she lied. \\"Yeah? What did you think of that Asian girl who was dancing? She\\u0027s probably from Siberia.\\" Romanov stared at the dancing girls and said, \\"Take her to my bedroom.\\" Tregubova looked at the dancers, most of them wearing low-cut and very little clothing, and said, \\"I don\\u0027t think I could take a Siberian, let alone a Russian.\\" \\"Because you\\u0027re jealous or afraid of being replaced?\\" He asked, with a smirk.

   \\"I\\u0027m not afraid of anything, and I\\u0027m certainly not jealous.\\" She answered indignantly.

   \\"Then take the Siberian girl to my bedroom.\\" She said, dismissing her.

   \\"Very well. I believe that\\u0027s enough entertainment for one evening.\\" He said dismissively.

   \\"Yes, Papa... I\\u0027m sorry...\\"


   After the dance broke up, Tregubova led the Siberian girl down the hallway to her bedroom.

   \\"What\\u0027s your name?\\" Tregubova asked, disgusted.


   \\"I\\u0027m Tregubova.\\" She said, shaking Maggie\\u0027s hand.

   \\"Romanov will be your new step-father.\\" He said, closing the door to her bedroom.

   She stared at him, her eyes wide in shock. He walked over to her, put his arms around her, and kissed her. \\"Relax, Marge, how old are you? Are you in the Komsomol?\\" He asked, while Tregubova went to lock the bedroom door.

   Maggie pushed him away. \\"I\\u0027m 15, you pig farmer!\\" She shouted, indignant.

   \\"So? Love can flourish in the most unlikely places. Napoleon loved Josephine, the dancing girl. I\\u0027ve always found that those who are most in love often are the ones who are apart the most.\\" He got up angrily and said that Tregubova said to Maggie: \\"What are you doing?! He\\u0027s the general secretary!\\"

   Maggie stared at him, unsure what to say.

   \\"What are you doing? I\\u0027ve never seen you act this way before. You\\u0027re a member of the party! Remember what that means?\\"

   \\"I remember.\\" Maggie said, sullenly.

   \\"You\\u0027re behaving like a little girl.\\"

   \\"I\\u0027m not a little girl!\\" Maggie said, stepping back. Tregubova said soothingly, \\"He just came to ask if you would accept an adoptive father? Relax.\\" Romanov slowly approached and said, \\"You should obey the organization.\\" Maggie looked at him, her eyes wide in fear. He put a hand on her shoulder and said, \\"I\\u0027ll explain everything in the morning. Why don\\u0027t you get some sleep?\\" Maggie sulked, and said, \\"I need to go to the bathroom.\\" Tregubova opened the door and said, \\"Of course. I\\u0027ll escort her to the bathroom.\\" Romanov rolled his eyes. \\"I\\u0027ve got important work to do. I don\\u0027t need to be looking after a primping chamber.\\" Maggie walked out, still sullen. Tregubova closed the door.

   Romanov leaned against the wall, thinking. He was certain that he would be able to manipulate Maggie into submission.

   In the washroom, Tregubova watched Maggie closely, making sure she didn\\u0027t try to run away. She stared at the pretty Brunette, dressed in a low-cut top and short shorts, and said, \\"Little girl, you know what he wants, you\\u0027re just a regular commie girl.\\" Maggie stared at her, angry at the insult. \\"You think I just fell off a truck? You think I\\u0027m some trashy street girl? You think I\\u0027m ugly?\\" Maggie asked, her voice rising. \\"I don\\u0027t think so, I\\u0027m just worried that you\\u0027ll be irrational and disobedient and defy him and continue to curse him like you did before. You understand that he can help you climb the ivory tower also to let you die here, no police will care.\\" Maggie stared at Tregubova, eyes wide, her fists clenched. She said, her voice calm. Maggie stared at her evenly. Tregubova said, \\"If you want to continue your education, then it\\u0027s best to comply.\\" Maggie\\u0027s look softened. Maggie nodded. \\"Okay.\\" Tregubova smiled. \\"Good girl. Now, go clean yourself up and get some sleep.\\"

   Maggie nodded, walked into the washroom, and began to clean herself.


   Maggie stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes were bright, her cheeks dimpling, her mouth a tiny bit pursed. Her black hair was mussed. She pouted and said, \\"I wish I had a few more freckles.\\" She sighed. \\"My life is so unfair.\\"

   \\"Don\\u0027t complain. I\\u0027m sure you\\u0027ve got lots of freckles in your dreams.\\"

   \\"I guess.\\" Maggie said, still pouting. \\"Now go to bed and let Romanov him feel your body.\\" Tregubova urged. Maggie nodded, walked over to her dorm, and began to undress. She took off her shorts and blouse and walked over to the bed and climbed in. She stared at the ceiling and said, \\"I wonder what he\\u0027ll do.\\" Tregubova smiled. \\"He\\u0027ll have to do something. Otherwise, he won\\u0027t be able to justify all of the time and money he puts into you.\\" Maggie nodded. Romanov reached over from under the covers and said, \\"You\\u0027re a perfect example of a happy, well-adjusted communist, come here Marge and kiss me old man.\\"

   \\"Now come and sit on me, do you have a boyfriend?\\"

   Maggie shook her head, staring at the ground. \\"I don\\u0027t know.\\" Romanov smiled. \\"I\\u0027ll let you decide. Now come here.\\" Maggie crawled over to Romanov and he wrapped his arms around her. She buried her face in his shoulder and said, \\"Y-Yes.\\"

   \\"Good girl.\\" Romanov kissed Maggie and said, \\"I will adopt you and teach you that you are my adopted daughter and lover, or pet.\\"

   \\"I\\u0027d prefer to be your pet.\\" Maggie said, her voice turning demure. Romanov smiled.

   \\"Maybe you are. You will be, if you obey me.\\" Maggie\\u0027s body stiffened and nodded, and Tregubova asked unhappily, \\"That\\u0027s your metaphor?\\"

   \\"I\\u0027m not his lapdog, if that\\u0027s what you\\u0027re getting at.\\" Maggie said, her voice turning cold.

   \\"Okay, then, let\\u0027s go to bed.\\" Tregubova yawned, climbed in beside Romanov, and began to kiss him.


   Maggie crawled out of bed and glanced at the clock. It was 5:30. Maggie yawned, stretched, and said, \\"I\\u0027m going to get some more firewood.\\"


   Maggie walked over to the fireplace, grabbed some kind of wooden stick, and began to stir the burning embers. She stirred and patted the ashes, then moved to grab more wood. Staring at her back, Romanov said to Tregubova, \\"She\\u0027s sexy, she\\u0027s a kind of future. You and she are both my pets, like socialism and capitalism are to bureaucrats.\\"

   Tregubova sighed, her hands resting on her belly. \\"I\\u0027m a little sick of being your pet. It\\u0027s a nice change from the dull normalcy we\\u0027ve had the last few years.\\" \\"It will be more satisfying when you can get money and power from me, and tomorrow contact the Leningrad Bank with the Leningrad Academy of Sciences to transfer some account rubles to your shadow account.\\" Romanov held out his hand and added, \\"Give me the red wine on the counter.\\" Tregubova handed Romanov the bottle of wine. He took a sip, then smiled. \\"Yes, like that.\\" He gestured to Maggie. \\"Your little friend can join us for dinner.\\" Maggie stared, then got up and began to clear the plates, cups, and utensils from the table. Tregubova looked over at Maggie and asked, \\"What are you going to do with her?\\"

   \\"I don\\u0027t know. She\\u0027s the pet, I\\u0027m the pet owner.\\"

   \\"Well, can\\u0027t you see her as a potential lover, companion, or even mother?\\"

   \\"No, she\\u0027s not worthy of that, Marge come over here and kneel before me.\\" Romanov said. Maggie walked over to Tregubova and Romanov. \\"Kneel.\\" Maggie stared.


   Maggie slowly knelt and stared up at Romanov. He stared down at her. \\"Serve your pet, understand? Serve her. Don\\u0027t ask questions. If you do, you\\u0027ll lose what you\\u0027ve earned.\\" Maggie nodded and began to kiss Romanov\\u0027s toes. He laughed. \\"This is the power of supreme power, Tregubova, do you understand? It can turn anyone into a slave.\\" Romanov stroked Margie\\u0027s head and said, \\"I think you\\u0027re becoming a very boring slave, Tregubova. Perhaps you should try being a good slave from now on.\\" Tregubova rolled over and punched Romanov in the stomach. \\"When you hit me, you hit the mark. That will not be tolerated.\\" Romanov stood and smiled. \\"I\\u0027ll have to remember that.\\"


   Grigory Vasilyevich Romanov continued to enjoy the power he held. He could have any woman he wanted. He could have a thousand women. He could own a kingdom. He wanted to do all of those things and more. He glanced over at Maggie. She would obey him; he could see it. She had a kind of eagerness that he enjoyed. She wanted to be a good, loyal subject. He smiled and thought, \\"What a great pet.\\" Romanov again took a pen and wrote down his signature and gave it to Tregubova, saying, \\"Give this letter of recommendation to Moscow University for Margie to study there.\\" Tregubova took the recommendation letter and left. Maggie cleaned the dirty plates and cups. Romanov walked back to the table. \\"So, what are you going to do now, my pet?\\" Maggie sat at his feet. He stroked Maggie\\u0027s head.

   \\"Untie your clothes and let me feel your little breasts.\\" He reached for Maggie\\u0027s blouse and unclasped the clasp. Maggie stared up at him. \\"Feel my swollen cappuccino.\\" He stroked Maggie\\u0027s warm, soft, small nipples. Maggie moaned. \\"Mm, I love the feel of your little nipples.\\" Romanov stood and stared down at Maggie. \\"Do you want to suck my swollen cappuccino?\\" Maggie stared. \\"Yes, you do.\\" He leaned down and Maggie took a deep breath. Romanov\\u0027s cappuccino flooded Maggie\\u0027s hungry little mouth.

   \\"Ah, yes, like that.\\" He massaged Maggie\\u0027s head and throat with his free hand. He could feel Maggie\\u0027s little gullet open for him. He rubbed his swollen cappuccino all over Maggie\\u0027s little mouth and throat. \\"Little pet, in a few days you will be admitted to Moscow University, how many rubles a month do you live on?\\"

   \\"One hundred rubles.\\"

   \\"That\\u0027s expensive coffee.\\" Romanov smiled. Maggie swallowed the last drops of cappuccino. Romanov touched Maggie\\u0027s breasts again and said, \\"Do you have a bank account? If you have one tell Tregubova and she will transfer you 2,000 rubles a month.\\"

   \\"Yes. But I don\\u0027t have one.\\" Maggie blinked again. \\"I\\u0027ll have to ask my father for money.\\" \\"Your father raised a decent girl, let Tregubova handle your account, you still need a place to sleep in Moscow, move to my outdoor cottage.\\" He touched Maggie\\u0027s face and said. \\"As a reward for being a good slave, you will have a warm bed, and good food, A large, beautiful and clean private villa with enough living expenses to get you wasted , all free. And I will also see that you get a full education at Moscow University. I will do all of this, just tell me your answer. Do you want to be my slave?\\" Maggie stared up at Romanov.


   \\"Then the deal is done, you are no longer a free citizen of the Soviet Union, you are my property. I own you. You are my slave. That is the only way to become one of the most powerful men in the world. You will do as I say without questions. Do you understand?\\"

   \\"Yes.\\" \\"Now, lick my toes clean and remember that you are my slave girl.\\" He stroked Maggie\\u0027s face one more time. Maggie licked the toes to the satisfaction of Romanov.

   \\"Ah, you are a good slave. I will not tolerate disobedience here.\\"

   \\"Please, no more tests. Please, no more tests.\\" Maggie begged.

   \\"Do you see this big, powerful man?\\" Romanov touched Maggie\\u0027s head and stared into her eyes.


   \\"Do you fear him?\\"

   \\"No.\\" \\"That\\u0027s good, look at me calmly. I will help you, you will serve me, we are in a symbiotic and coexistent relationship.\\" Romanov pointed to his clothes and said, \\"Calm down and help me dress, be like the tsar\\u0027s maid of honor.\\"

   Maggie blanched. \\"You want me to dress like a...a court lady?\\" Maggie asked.

   \\"Your beautiful neck, ears and fingers can be covered with pearls and diamonds if you wish.\\"

   \\"Oh, it\\u0027s not that, it\\u0027s just...I\\u0027m not used to dressing like a...a...\\" Maggie looked down at her shoes and blushed.

   \\"Yes.\\" Maggie nodded. She grabbed a fresh pair of silk stockings and garters and pulled them on. Romanov stepped closer and stared at Maggie\\u0027s legs in fascination. Tregubova pushed the door in and said, \\"General Secretary, there\\u0027s a report for you from the KGB investigation into the jewelry smuggling case of Brezhneva\\u0027s daughter.\\"

   \\"Thank you, Tregubova.\\" He turned to Maggie. \\"Now, go downstairs and make yourself pretty.\\" Maggie got up and went to the door. She hesitated and looked back at Romanov. He raised his eyebrows. Tregubova said, \\"Go on.\\" Maggie saluted and left the room. Tregubova stared at Romanov. \\"Now, tell me, what is this report?\\" \\"It\\u0027s the list of all known smugglers and their contacts, including the Americans and the British.\\" Tregubova\\u0027s eyes widened.

   \\"I see.\\"

   \\"The report is very thorough, it took months to complete. \\" Romanov sat down and stared at the report rubbing his eyes and said, \\"Brezhnev\\u0027s daughter Galina Brezhneva sold Soviet jewelry artifacts to foreign countries through her lover and silenced some of the participants who knew about it even including the KGB.\\"

   \\"The report is alarming. Are you sure that it\\u0027s accurate?\\"

   \\"Well, there\\u0027s no way to fake this, but a list of smuggled items and their buyers could be doctored.\\"

   \\"Indeed.\\" \\"The situation is complicated, and if Galina Brezhneva were not Brezhnev\\u0027s daughter, I could sentence her to death. Unfortunately, she is not!\\"

   \\"So what do we do?\\"

   \\"I\\u0027m going to have to eliminate her.\\"


   \\"There are ways to deal with this sort of situation that do not involve murder.\\"

   \\"Such as?\\"

   \\"We make her disappear.\\"

   \\"Make her disappear? How can we do that?\\"

   \\"There are secret prisons scattered all over the world. Wherever there is a problem, there lies a solution.\\"

   \\"And who can we trust?\\"

   Romanov smiled and stared at Tregubova. \\"We trust each other.\\"

   Tregubova sighed.

   \\"Okay, get on your knees at my feet and suck me off. I need to think for a moment.\\" Romanov patted her face then unzipped.

   \\"Hmm, I see. You\\u0027re going to use my brain to get revenge?\\"

   \\"If I\\u0027m going to get revenge, then yes.\\"

   \\"I see. I\\u0027m on my knees.\\"

   Tregubova bent over and started undressing Romanov.

   \\"Hmmm, yes...good girl. Now, suck me off.\\"

   She leaned in and sucked Romanov\\u0027s cock off.

   \\"There, that wasn\\u0027t so bad, was it?\\"

   \\"Not at all, comrade.\\" Tregubova smiled.

   \\"Okay, get up from there. I need to think.\\"

   She pulled herself up by grabbing onto the edge of the table.

   \\"Now, wipe your face and get my daughter.\\"

   Tregubova wiped her lips then left the room. Romanov stayed seated at the table.

   \\"So, I\\u0027m going to get revenge on Brezhneva...by turning her over to the Americans.\\" He grabbed a folder from his desk and stared at the photos inside. He sighed. \\"These are the items Galina Brezhneva smuggled out of the country, where they are and who bought them. These will be difficult to recover, and to purge her outright will upset the Soviet bureaucracy, who fear being implicated. But without purging, it would be impossible to shape goodwill among the population.\\" Romanov stood up and walked over to the window. \\"I\\u0027m going to have to handle this delicately.\\" He stared out the window. \\"It is also necessary to stabilize the bureaucratic groups with the first secretaries of the franchise and continue to acquiesce in their privileges and corrupt dealings.\\" \\"Thinking about how beautiful you and Maggie are and how lucky I am to have both of you as pets and adopted daughters.\\"

   Romanov smiled as she approached.

   \\"Oh , you\\u0027re such a flatterer.\\"

   \\"Flatterer? I\\u0027m a friend to you. I\\u0027ve always been a friend to you.\\" Romanov said, holding Tregubova and Margie by the waist.

   \\"All right, all right, you\\u0027re a good friend. I need you to do something for me, though.\\"

   \\"Anything.\\" Tregubova intimately put Romanov\\u0027s hand into her panties and said, \\"It\\u0027s too slow to transfer rubles by bank, why don\\u0027t you try to get Leningrad Bank shares or the Foreign Trade Department?\\" Maggie was shocked next to her, and Romanov nodded and said, \\"The Foreign Trade Department is impossible, but the bank shares can be gotten.\\"


   \\"Get close to Katarina. I know she works at the bank, and I know she\\u0027s not happy there.\\"

   \\"What do you mean?\\" Tregubova asked.

   \\"She took a big risk coming to me. If she were caught, it could have meant execution for her and possibly for me.\\" Romanov added. \\"In the social sense, so how can she be expected not to violate the law and morality when she can get tens of millions of rubles just by helping us?\\"

   Maggie stared at the ground.

   \\"She\\u0027s not happy there, though. She\\u0027s looking to make a break for the coast. If we want to get rid of her, we can do it now. But there\\u0027s no need for that yet, and if there\\u0027s a risk of being investigated by the monitoring committee, she\\u0027ll somehow die.\\" Romanov said gently.

   \\"She\\u0027ll be fine. Just keep an eye on her. She\\u0027s a smart girl, she\\u0027ll figure out a way to help us.\\" Tregubova said. Romanov nodded looking back at Maggie who was beside him not speaking and asked, \\"Are you afraid of these things?\\" Maggie looked up at him and said, \\"I am a little. I\\u0027m not used to it.\\" She looked down at her lap. \\"But, I think I can deal with it.\\"

   Romanov nodded. \\"When you step into this game you should do it, the people in it are smart and cunning. If you are smart and obedient, I will protect you and help you get the riches you could never get by working your whole life, can you have hundreds of millions of rubles by your labor?\\"

   \\"Yes.\\" Maggie said quietly, \\"I want to help you.\\"

   \\"Good.\\" Romanov said, \\"Now go back to your quarters and move in with me. Tregubova will drive and help you, my pet.\\"

   \\"Thank you.\\" Maggie said. She rose, looked at Tregubova and said, \\"I\\u0027ll see you tomorrow.\\" Tregubova nodded and said, \\"See you later.\\" Maggie walked out of the room with Tregubova following her.

   \\"She\\u0027s a brave girl. Unfortunately, she was an experiment. Each time, the result is that the greedy and depraved part succeeds.\\" Romanov asked.

   \\"Drive carefully. Don\\u0027t hit other cars.\\"

   \\"Yes, yes.\\"

   Maggie walked to her quarters, and Tregubova said, \\"I\\u0027ll call you tomorrow to pick you up.\\"


   Maggie walked to her door and opened it. Outside lay a hallway, she walked down the hall and entered her room. She walked in, closed the door, and lay down on her bed. She looked at the ceiling and thought about Romanov.

   I\\u0027ve got to be smart here. I can\\u0027t afford to be foolish, or this could end badly.

   She fell asleep thinking about her future. After a few hours, her housemate, Agrafina, woke her up by opening the door. Maggie groggily sat up.

   \\"What time is it?\\"

   \\"Time for bed, sleepyhead.\\"

   \\"Oh. I didn\\u0027t realize it was so late.\\" Agrafina came in and sat down in her bunk and asked, \\"Where were you last night? All I know from asking the rest of the choir is that you disappeared last night after rehearsing the Irish dance.\\"

   \\"I was having a meeting. With a very important person.\\"

   \\"Really? Who?\\"

   \\"General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union. His name is Comrade Romanov.\\"

   \\"The one with the gray hair?\\" \\"Yes, I had some personal business to take care of with him.\\"

   \\"You never said anything about it to the rest of the choir. They were all worried about you.\\"

   Maggie shrugged. \\"Whatever, Agrafina I want to ask you, if you had a chance to get a lifetime of wealth to spend to do something you didn\\u0027t like, what would you do?\\"

   Agrafina thought for a moment. \\"I would do something to help my family.\\"

   \\"Yeah, that\\u0027s what I thought.\\" Maggie said, \\"Now I\\u0027m going back.\\"

   \\"Are you leaving?\\"

   \\"Yeah, I have a house I\\u0027m going to. In Leningrad. With the man you heard me talking about.\\"

   \\"Is that so?\\"

   \\"Yes, and I\\u0027m taking you with me. In fact, I\\u0027m moving in.\\"

   Agrafina\\u0027s eyes widened. \\"Really? With the General Secretary?\\" \\"Yes, come here and I\\u0027ll tell you that he\\u0027s going to make me his adopted daughter versus sending me to Moscow State University.\\"

   \\"I don\\u0027t know which one is better.\\"

   Maggie laughed, \\"Neither do I, but I\\u0027m guessing not the former.\\"

   \\"Well, what does he pay you to do what you do?\\"

   \\"He has a house in Moscow that he uses as a base of operations. This is the only place he has in the city.\\"

   \\"How nice,\\" Agrafina said, \\"It must be very nice to live in such a house and have plenty of money.\\"

   \\"Yeah, you should. It\\u0027s a nice town.\\"

   Maggie stood up and stretched. \\"It\\u0027s a chance to get a life I didn\\u0027t dare to think about before, just...\\"

   \\"Just what?\\"

   \\"Just be happy with what you\\u0027ve got, I guess.\\"

   \\"You\\u0027re leaving this afternoon. How do you plan to get there?\\" \\"He had a secretary named Tregubova who came to pick me up, and she...she was dressed in the kind of imported clothes that are available in special stores.\\" \\"Pretty much, I could feel that if we worked a normal salary we would never be able to buy the pearl necklace around her neck and the jade bracelet on her hand.\\"

   \\"You\\u0027re leaving today?\\"

   \\"Yeah. Get ready while I pack up my things.\\"

   \\"Really? You\\u0027re going with the General Secretary?\\"


   \\"Do you know what this is all about?\\" Margie put her clothes and musical instrument in the box and said, \\"I made a deal, sold something and got something.\\"

   \\"And what is it that you plan to give him?\\" Agrafina asked, \\"Besides yourself.\\"

   \\"I\\u0027m not giving him anything. I\\u0027m going to see that he\\u0027s...\\"

   \\"What? That he has everything he needs?\\"

   \\"No, that he is happy.\\"

   \\"How do you know that you can do that? What makes you think that you\\u0027ll be able to satisfy his every need?\\"

   Maggie sighed, \\"I don\\u0027t know.\\"

   \\"But you have to try since you\\u0027re going to be working for him.\\"

   \\"I guess,\\" Maggie said, \\"What are you asking so much for?\\"


   \\"Well, I guess that\\u0027s what you get for haggling on a free deal.\\" Maggie said, pulling out the box and closing it.

   \\"My life. I need to swing away from this dorm. I owe a lot of people a lot of money.\\"

   \\"Alright, let\\u0027s see what I can do about getting you an apartment.\\" Maggie wrapped her arms around Agrafina, hugged her and said, \\"Goodbye.\\" \\"No, let me come with you and see.\\" Agrafina pleaded, grabbing Margie\\u0027s hand.

   \\"Don\\u0027t, it\\u0027s better if I go alone. It\\u0027s not like I\\u0027ll be in danger or anything.\\"


   \\"Goodbye.\\" Maggie said, turning away.

   \\"Wait...\\" Agrafina grabbed Maggie\\u0027s arm.

   \\"Please. I\\u0027m begging you.\\" Maggie looked at her hand, and said, \\"Goodbye.\\"

   \\"Don\\u0027t go!\\"

   \\"I have to.\\" Maggie said, staring into Agrafina\\u0027s eyes. \\"I can guess what you did, and you have to be able to let me go!\\" Agrafina said in an aggravated tone.

   \\"It\\u0027s not like that.\\"

   \\"Well, then what is it like?\\" Agrafina asked.

   \\"You have a choice. You can either forgive me, or I\\u0027ll never speak to you again. Make your choice.\\" \\"I will forgive & support you, but you must take me to see him.\\" Maggie nodded, knowing that she couldn\\u0027t take Agrafina to see him.

   \\"Alright. I\\u0027ll arrange everything, but you have to promise to let me go when the time comes.\\"

   \\"I promise.\\" -----

   Inside the Kremlin\\u0027s special store

   After listening to the narrative Romanov inquired again, \\"You two did not divulge any more to the others, did you?\\" Margie and Agrafina, who were following him, nodded their heads.

   \\"Good. Then, you two are free to go.\\"

   \\"But...\\" \\"But? Can I trust a man who can\\u0027t even control his own tongue?\\" Romanov said as he stared at the jewelry in the store, \\"Will there be a next time?\\"

   \\"I don\\u0027t know.\\"

   \\"Then go. I understand.\\" Romanov looked up to the ceiling, \\"Let there be no more secrets. Let there be no more lies. Let there be freedom,\\" \\"Don\\u0027t do that, I\\u0027ll make sure it doesn\\u0027t leak again.\\" Margie pleaded, as Agrafina stood by and remained silent.

   \\"That\\u0027s your choice, but know this: The more you lie to get what you want, the more likely it is that your lies will be uncovered. Freedom is the only truth. Remember that.\\" Romanov looked back at the merchandise and said, \\"There is no next time, now look at the merchandise and I will buy it to give you what you want.\\"

   Maid hands over the various pieces of jewelry to Romanov, who examines them.

   \\"What do you think?\\" Romanov asked.

   \\"They\\u0027re lovely,\\" Agrafina said. \\"But it\\u0027s also expensive,\\" Margie said as she stared at the price and swallowed her throat, \\"I\\u0027d need to work for at least a couple of years.\\"

   Romanov smiled and said, \\"But I only need a few days, and under legal means.\\"

   \\"But...\\" Margie began to say.

   \\"I can give you instant money. Your job is to manage this store, and you will be paid in full once the jewels are sold. I promise.\\" Romanov picked a diamond necklace to put on Maggie and said, \\"You just have to stay beautiful, how do you feel?\\"

   \\"Fine, thanks.\\" Margie said, staring down at the necklace in her hands, \\"How much?\\"

   \\"50,000 rubles, plus expenses.\\"

   \\"It\\u0027s... too much.\\" \\"I\\u0027ll pay for it, my girl.\\" Romanov said, staring at Maggie\\u0027s breasts. \\"You have exquisite... breasts.\\" Maggie\\u0027s eyes widened, and she reddened.

   \\"It\\u0027s too much, 50,000. I can get much more for it...\\" She began to say.

   \\"No, it\\u0027s fine. It\\u0027s a lovely necklace.\\"

   \\"But it\\u0027s too much.\\"

   \\"It\\u0027s beautiful, and it will look very nice on you.\\"

   \\"But...\\" \\"Well, you\\u0027ll get more money and gifts later, just remember you\\u0027re there for me.\\" Maggie smiled.

   \\"Thank you, General Secretary. May I leave now?\\"

   \\"Certainly. And don\\u0027t call me that outside of this room. Understand?\\" Maggie nodded.

   \\"How much do you need?\\" Romanov asked.

   Maggie thought for a moment. \\"500 rubles, plus expenses.\\"

   Romanov smiled. \\"Go.\\"

   Maggie left the room, Agrafina asked Romanov: \\"General Secretary, what will you give me as a gift?\\"

   \\"Something to wear.\\"


   Agrafina smiled. \\"Come with me.\\" She took Romanov to a room, where she showed him a beautiful, red dress.

   \\"I made it. Please try it on.\\"

   \\"Will you give it to me?\\" Agrafina asked, staring at the floor.

   \\"Of course,\\" Romanov said. \\"Go to the changing room and I\\u0027ll help you undress.\\"

   \\"This is... lovely.\\"

   \\"You like it?\\"

   \\"Yes, I do.\\"

   \\"Then it\\u0027s yours.\\"

   \\"What do you mean?\\"

   Agrafina smiled. \\"Go into the changing room.\\" She watched as Romanov went into the room. He watched as Agrafina removed her blouse, skirt, and shoes. \\"You have a beautiful figure with blonde hair, you\\u0027re just a little short.\\" Romanov began to undo his tunic and said, \\"I want you.\\"


   \\"I\\u0027m going to take you as a gift, keep you as a toy. You\\u0027re going to be my woman, and my property. Do you understand?\\"

   \\"I... Yes.\\" \\"I knew it, get down on your knees and lick my cock.\\"

   Agrafina did as he said. Romanov unzipped his pants, and entered her. He began to move his hips, thrusting into her.

   \\"Yes, that\\u0027s it.\\"

   \\"Harder... please?\\"

   \\"What do you want?\\"

   \\"I want you to make me your lover.\\" Agrafina said, staring into his eyes. Her eyes were bright.

   \\"Yes...\\" Romanov said. \\"Make love to me.\\"

   \\"I will.\\"

   He entered her slowly, feeling her tightness. He began to move his hips, moving in and out. \\"I don\\u0027t do charity, and I don\\u0027t need a girl who is useless to me as my pet.\\"

   Agrafina said, \\"I\\u0027m not your pet. I\\u0027m your lover. I\\u0027m going to make you feel good, and be worth my salt.\\" \\"Why? I have the same power as a despot, and you are just a young girl of ordinary birth. You\\u0027re as worthless to me as a little she-cat.\\" Romanov said as he spat into her mouth. \\"I\\u0027m a great leader and a good man. This is why I\\u0027ve been chosen to lead. You\\u0027re going to do as I say, or you\\u0027ll be crushed like an ant underfoot.\\"

   \\"I\\u0027ll do whatever you want.\\"

   \\"I want you to make love to me again.\\"


   \\"I want you to suck my cock. I want you to wear my cock like a bridle. I want you to give your life to me. Give me your virginity.\\" Romanov growled low, \\"Make a sound of obedience to me!\\"

   \\"Yes... I am... obedient.\\" Agrafina said.

   He grabbed her hand and brought it to his penis. \\"Open wide.\\" He forced her mouth open, and he sank his manhood inside. He began to move, thrusting into her mouth. \\"Suck.\\" He ordered.

   Agrafina began to suck, and she continued to do so for several minutes. \\"More... please?\\" She begged.

   \\"I want you to swallow my cum.\\" He thrust his hips, and his length entered her throat. He began to move his hips, taking her in.

   \\"Yes...\\" Agrafina said.

   \\"Thank you.\\" Agrafina stood, dressed and ready to go. \\"What\\u0027s that?\\" She asked.

   \\"This is a token of my... gratitude.\\" Romanov grinned, \\"Agrafina may go.\\"

   \\"That\\u0027s disgusting.\\" She said, looking away in disgust.

   \\"She swallowed,\\" Romanov said.

   \\"Yeah, but it\\u0027s still... unnatural.\\" The waitress looked up to Romanov. \\"Why\\u0027d you make her do that?\\" Romanov picked up a diamond brooch and asked, \\"You\\u0027re very interesting to dare ask these things. What is your name?\\" He turned to Agrafina, and said, \\"And you are...?\\"


   \\"Agrafina.\\" He turned back to the waitress, \\"What\\u0027s your name?\\"


   \\"So you\\u0027re Feodosiya. What a pretty name. I\\u0027m Grigory.\\" Romanov smiled and said, \\"You didn\\u0027t see this lady next to me with me today, and this diamond brooch I think would look great on your chest.\\"

   \\"I see.\\" Feodosiya considered his offer and said.

   \\"Don\\u0027t you want to know what else I can do for you?\\" He asked.

   \\"Maybe. What can you do?\\"

   \\"Well, I can make you pretty, make you rich, and give you a life full of love and passion. Is that what you want?\\"

   Feodosiya thought for a minute, and said, \\"Yes.\\"

   \\"Then come to me.\\"

   \\"So you can betray me like you did with... with Agrafina?\\" \\"It\\u0027s not a betrayal, Agrafina you can go, I want to talk to Feodosiya.\\" Romanov kissed Agrafina\\u0027s face and said, \\"Come back here tomorrow and I will give you another bracelet.\\"

   \\"Yes.\\" Agrafina bowed her head and left with. He looked at Feodosiya, and said, \\"She\\u0027s not going to betray you. She\\u0027s a fool. Tomorrow, come to me.\\"

   \\"Why?\\" Feodosiya asked. \\"Because this diamond brooch is very expensive.\\" Romanov clasped the diamond brooch to her chest and smiled, \\"I would like to ask a few questions, what is your salary?\\"

   \\"150 rubles.\\"

   \\"I will give you 500 rubles to do me a small service. After that, you can go.\\"

   \\"What kind of service?\\" \\"Tell me everything about your work and life every week, and I will pay weekly.\\" He admired Feodosia\\u0027s face and said, \\"What do you think?\\"

   \\"Will it be dangerous?\\" She asked.

   \\"Not at all. It will be a regular paycheck for you.\\" He smiled and said, \\"Agreed?\\"

   \\"I have no reason to turn you down.\\" She smiled, picked up her purse.

   Romanov nodded and said, \\"I like smart people, let me ask you, how are you doing with your daily supplies? Tell the truth?\\"

   \\"I have nothing. I\\u0027m running low on cash, but I have a bit of rationed food.\\" Feodosia complained: \\"You can\\u0027t get anything of good quality in the state stores, and the service is poor! They actually tell me to get lost and go to the black market to buy things! But the black market prices are at least twice as high as the stores!\\" She folded her arms and said, \\"I\\u0027m sick of that kind of life.\\"

   \\"I can give you more money, if that will make you happy.\\" Romanov added: \\"Would you like to accompany an old man to the Kremlin restaurant for dinner?\\"

   \\"I suppose that would make me happy. What time is it?\\"

   \\"Quarter before eight.\\"

   \\"Perfect. I\\u0027ll be there.\\"

   \\"See you soon.\\" He waved, and left. Feodosia stared after him, and said, \\"What an... interesting man.\\" She looked back at the price of the diamond brooch he presented and said, \\"How long would it take if I worked on my own?\\"


   The Kremlin Restaurant:

   A place for the rich, with waiters and waitresses who were all wearing elaborate white headgear and fine clothing, and serving expensive fare. The tables were set with fine china and polished silver, and candles were burning on each one.

   Romanov sat alone at a table, looking bored. \\"Well, it\\u0027s a good thing you showed up, I was just about to send for you. Miss Feodosia.\\" Feodosiya, a plump woman with a large bust, came over to the table. She wore a long, thin gown, and her hair was pulled back in a bun. She bowed her head and sat down across from Romanov, who said, \\"Have a seat. I was saving this seat for you.\\"

   \\"How kind you are!\\" She said. \\"I\\u0027m so glad you decided to join me for dinner.\\"

   \\"I have a lot of important work to do, so I can only spend a little time with you.\\" He asked, \\"Mind if it\\u0027s just me and you dining here?\\"

   \\"Not at all. It\\u0027s just that I\\u0027m a bit short on cash right now, so I was wondering if you could pay for this dinner with a check?\\" \\"Don\\u0027t worry about it, you just have to let yourself enjoy the evening.\\" Romanov ordered the wine then looked at the menu as Feodosia hesitantly said, \\"Can I pack?\\"


   \\"I mean, can I bring my own food? I can\\u0027t afford to eat in the best restaurants, but I can afford a good dinner.\\"

   \\"You mean to pack up the leftovers and take them home?\\" Romanov froze for a moment before asking, then continued to look at the menu. He was silent a long moment before he asked, \\"Can I trust you not to talk about our dinner?\\"

   \\"Of course.\\"

   \\"Good.\\" He looked back at the menu and said, \\"I\\u0027ll take the steak with Japanese tofu, what dish do you want?\\"

   \\"Oh, yes...I don\\u0027t think I\\u0027ve told you my story yet.\\" She hesitated, then said, \\"I was born in the country. My parents were relatively poor, but they wanted the best for their children, so they sent us to a private school.\\"

   \\"I see.\\" Romanov looked at her. \\"I was also born in a peasant family at an early age, I was supposed to study engineer professionally later but participated in the Patriotic War, and only after the war I became a general secretary step by step. Your origin is not shameful, what did your parents engage in?\\"

   \\"My father is a butcher, but we had always enough to eat. We didn\\u0027t go to private school, I went to public school.\\"

   \\"Oh, I see. What did you study?\\"

   \\"The usual subjects. I was very good at math.\\" Feodosia paused. \\"My parents wanted me to be a doctor or a lawyer, But I didn\\u0027t succeed after relying on relatives and friends before I became a Kremlin waiter. You won\\u0027t laugh at me, will you?\\"

   \\"No, you don\\u0027t have a good life, most people do.\\" Romanov stared at her robe and asked, \\"Is this robe your best dress?\\"

   \\"No, but it\\u0027s the only one I have.\\"

   Romanov looked like he wanted to say something more, but he only asked, \\"Are you ready to order?\\"

   \\"Yes. The chef here prepares a very good risotto, I think I\\u0027ll have that.\\"

   Romanov nodded. \\"I\\u0027ll have the steak, medium well done, with all the trimmings.\\"

   Feodosia placed the order. She waited for the food, then said, \\"Tell me about yourself.\\"

   \\"There\\u0027s not much to tell. I was born in a small town, and I worked my way up through the ranks of the party, and I got this job. That\\u0027s about it.\\" Romanov thought for a moment and then said. \\"Tell me about your childhood.\\"

   \\"My childhood was boring. My family is, I suppose. My father is an alcoholic, and my mother is a housewife. We had to move a lot because of his work. That\\u0027s why I ended up in the city.\\"

   \\"Moving around so much must have made you very happy when you were little.\\"

   \\"Not really. I never knew what to expect. When I was little, we moved to Siberia. That was fun at first, but after a while it got boring. I wanted to go back to the city.\\"

   \\"You wanted to be happy?\\"

   \\"You could say that.\\"

   They spent the next hour chatting about various topics, during which Romanov polished off the entire steak and ordered another. The food arrived, and he stared at it with a full mouth. \\"What\\u0027s the maximum amount of overhead and income you can have in a month?\\" Romanov asked as he cut down his steak, \\"I want to know where you stand.\\"

   \\"It\\u0027s hard to say. Depends on your overhead and what you\\u0027re doing. I suppose you have a certain figure in mind?\\"

   \\"Yes, yes, I do.\\" Romanov put down his knife and fork and said, \\"Why don\\u0027t you guess how much property I have?\\"

   \\"Alright.\\" She looked around, then said, \\"It\\u0027s about 500 rubles.\\"

   Romanov nodded. \\"I have about 1500 rubles a month in income. What would you say my expenses are?\\"

   \\"Oh, about 1000 rubles?\\"

   \\"Alright. My overhead is 25% of my income, so that makes it...\\" Romanov looked at his steak thoughtfully. \\"Do you really believe that?\\"

   \\"It\\u0027s a simple yes or no question.\\" Romanov gave a meaningful smile and said, \\"Thirty million dollars.\\"

   Feodosia blinked. She looked at his expression to see him smirk. \\"No.\\"

   \\"I don\\u0027t think you understood me.\\" Romanov looked around, then leaned in. \\"Thirty million dollars.\\"

   \\"I don\\u0027t think that\\u0027s possible.\\"

   \\"Think what\\u0027s possible?\\"

   \\"For you to make that amount of money.\\"

   \\"Why is it impossible?\\" Romanov shook her hand and said, \\"When you have the power and connections to do so, I ask you, Fyodosia on your own to get your children out of poverty?\\"

   \\"But don\\u0027t you see...?\\" she spoke softly, \\"You have...\\" \\"I have what you want, do you want to be a waiter who even packs his dinner, or a prominent man who can buy a jewelry store on a whim?\\" Romanov smiled and said, \\"Right now, it\\u0027s just us. It\\u0027s your decision.\\"

   Feodosia frowned, looked down at her food, and then stared up at him.

   \\"Do you think I\\u0027m stupid?\\" she asked.

   \\"No, I think you\\u0027re sexy and attractive. So, I want you to get gifts and riches and stand on my bed. Of course, it\\u0027s okay if you don\\u0027t want to. You can return to the environment of working for 150 rubles a month and end up with a young worker as a husband with his housewife.\\" Romanov calmly said, \\"Finally saving for a few hundred rubles until you become an old woman.\\"

   \\"I\\u0027m not getting on your bed,\\" she growled and stood up.

   \\"No? Then consider this a bill for services rendered. My bed, my rules.\\"

   \\"I\\u0027m not going to...\\"

   \\"Or you can return to your boring life and I\\u0027ll go back to mine.\\" Romanov motioned said.

   \\"You\\u0027d better behave yourself, Comrade or I\\u0027ll have to arrest you.\\"

   Romanov laughed and said, \\"I think you\\u0027d have a hard time doing that And I am giving you a choice, just like the diamond brooch I gifted you before, it is up to you to accept or reject, luxury or poverty?\\"

   \\"Poverty,\\" Feodosia said, looking miserable.

   \\"Good. You\\u0027re a rebel. I like rebels.\\"

   \\"But...\\" \\"You choose your own poverty and dignity, continue eating, and after that I will not invite you with gifts.\\" Romanov pretended as if nothing had happened, \\"Unless, of course, you agree to luxury & being my girl.\\"

   He extended his hand to her.

   Feodosia looked down at her food. She considered her options.

   She could leave, or she could stay and suffer what Romanov would do to her.

   * * *

   Romanov had been waiting for her to make a decision. He stood, looked at her, and said, \\"What will it be, my dear?\\"

   \\"Don\\u0027t think about the painful work and debt, think about the diamond brooch and the money, you\\u0027ll get more if you agree.\\"

   \\"What will it be, my dear?\\"

   \\"Luxury. I want luxury. I get so much more with that than... than...\\" Feodosia took a deep breath and said,

   \\"Yes,\\" Feodosia said.

   \\"Then ask away.\\"

   \\"How did you get the money?\\" she asked.

   \\"I took over the Leningrad Bank, so the money will be credited to my account after we\\u0027re finished.\\" Romanov said. \\"I also have some stock, and some wives of department leaders give gifts to my family. Open your little box.\\"

   Feodosia opened a small red velvet box and gasped. She held up a small emerald ring.

   \\"This is too much, even for you. How much money do you need?\\" she asked.

   \\"I don\\u0027t need that much. But if you want, I can get more. How does 10,000 rubles sound?\\"

   \\"It sounds...\\" Feodosia hesitated. \\"I don\\u0027t know how you can get that much.\\"

   \\"You just need to enjoy this, sit on my lap and let me see you with the ring on.\\" Romanov said, patting his thigh.

   \\"Thank you.\\"

   \\"Don\\u0027t act like a shy little mouse.\\" He grabbed her hand and placed the ring on her finger. \\"Happy?\\"


   \\"Good. Now go, sit on my lap, and let us enjoy ourselves.\\"

   Feodosia did as he was ordered. She sat down and put her arms around his waist.

   Romanov caressed Feodosia\\u0027s face.

   \\"Your skin is so soft. It\\u0027s a shame your hair is short.\\" He stroked her hair. \\"You know, I think I like your short hair.\\" He brushed her hair back. \\"What do you think, would you mind growing it out?\\"

   Feodosia\\u0027s face colored. \\"I\\u0027m... I\\u0027m sorry. I didn\\u0027t mean to offend you.\\"

   \\"Don\\u0027t be. I think it\\u0027s a very pretty style. It suits you well.\\" Romanov looked into his lap. \\"Do you have a boyfriend?\\"

   \\"No.\\" \\"That\\u0027s good, unzip my pants and kiss my cock.\\"

   Feodosia unzipped and undid the buttons on his trousers. After that she pulled them down. Romanov sat up and smiled. \\"You\\u0027re beautiful, a real, fine-looking woman.\\" He laid a hand on her bare bottom. \\"I want you to make love to me.\\" He squeezed. \\"I want you so much.\\"

   Feodosia smiled and climbed onto his lap. She straddled his lap and lowered her hips. She sat astride his lap, facing him. She lowered herself onto his erection and guided it into her hot, wet, and tight center.

   \\"Yes, that\\u0027s it,\\" Romanov said. \\"I\\u0027m going to suck your tits.\\" He reached his hands around her small breasts and began squeezing them. \\"You\\u0027re so beautiful. I want to lick you all over.\\"


   Romanov pulled her closer. He took her right breast into his mouth and began sucking on it. He moved up to her other breast and began to suckle.

   \\"Ah, yes, baby. Like that.\\" He sucked harder and harder.

   \\"Yes, yes.\\" She lowered her chin to his shoulder. She moaned and rocked her hips. She stroked his back and pulled his hair.

   \\"Are you enjoying this?\\" Romanov asked.

   \\"Very much.\\" She bit her lip. \\"Will you...\\" She let out a sigh. \\"Will you do something special for me?\\"


   \\"Will you... Will you... Will you make love to me?\\"

   \\"Fuck, I wish I could.\\" He lifted her onto his erection and kissed her deeply.


   He moved his lips to her ear. \\"I want you so much.\\"

   She moaned.

   \\"Don\\u0027t you want me, Feodosia?\\"

   She shook her head with a smile. \\"I want you more.\\"

   \\"Good girl. Now, put your legs around me and ride me.\\"

   She tightened her legs and guided his erection into her.

   \\"Yes. Ride me.\\"

   She lowered her forehead to his and moaned.

   He rocked his hips and directed her long kisses down his shaft.

   \\"Good girl. Ride me.\\"

   She let out a long, low moan.

   \\"Come for me, my love.\\"

   She rode him, taking him deeper and deeper, until she neared her climax. In the midst of Feodosia\\u0027s moans, he looked up and stared at a beautiful visionary image seen in a painting on the dining room wall, where he became dressed in the outer robes of a monk holding the Bible and the Koran in his left hand and the cross, the six-manifold star, the Buddhist beads, the fallawaha, and the cross of life in his right hand, while Feodosia was a voluptuous nun, naked but for a corset, kneeling at his left side.

   \\"I\\u0027m... I\\u0027m coming,\\" she said, panting from riding him so hard. He kept his eyes open to the vision of a man giving the Good News to the world.

   He came down her, holding her close to his chest. \\"You felt so good, my love.\\" He kissed her. \\"I love you, you know.\\"

   \\"I love you too,\\" she said.

   Romanov wiped his sweat and pointed to the painting on the wall and said, \\"Did you see that painting? What do you see?\\"

   \\"A monk holding the Bible and the Koran, a nun... a vision?\\"

   \\"The painting\\u0027s title? The painting\\u0027s title is \\u0027The Last Supper.\\u0027\\"

   \\"The painting?\\"

   \\"Did you hear that? The Last Supper. That\\u0027s what I imagined this moment to look like. I saw the friar and the nun as me and you. I must have had some kind of hallucination.\\" He smiled at her. \\"Well, we\\u0027re not the pair to bring peace to the world.\\"

   \\"What are you talking about?\\" \\"Nothing, I just thought of some answers to things that are bothering me.\\" He got up and looked at the painting again and said, \\"Religion... can be used and maintain class domination, and ideology can be misinterpreted that way.\\"


   \\"The religion of the poor and the oppressed can be used to maintain the status quo. The religion of the rich can be used to justify theft, war, and oppression.\\" He looked at her. \\"You need to understand that class domination is not an abstract concept. It takes shape in the form of power, and that power can be used for gain or for control.\\"

   \\"You\\u0027re saying that the people who wrote the Bible and the Koran used the teachings of Christ and Mohammad to justify the oppression of the people who were once at their mercy?\\"

   \\"Not exactly.\\" Satisfied with her answer, he explained again, \\"The original founders certainly did not defend oppression, and Christ and Muhammad must have seen the oppressed people and opposed the Jewish and polytheistic aristocracy when they first created their teachings, otherwise they would not have resisted these oppressions. But like Siddhartha, whatever their intentions, in the end their claims were used by the ruling class and modified by different nations to justify and brainwash their own oppressions.\\"

   \\"Do you think that\\u0027s a fair assessment of what Christ and the prophet did?\\"

   \\"I don\\u0027t think they\\u0027re evil, but the religion they created will be exploited. And their claims will become obsolete, just like Marx and Lenin. Marx advocated socialism after seeing the tragic conditions of workers being brutally exploited in the capitalist countries in the 19th century as they accumulated their original capital, but what happened to Marx\\u0027s advocacy in the end?\\" Romanov took a tissue to wipe her body and said, \\"I hope you won\\u0027t be angry with me for thinking and discussing this.\\"

   \\"Of course not,\\" she said. \\"I think it\\u0027s important that we...\\"

   \\"Our own lives?\\"

   \\"Yes, our own lives,\\" she whispered, \\"and the lives of the people we love.\\"

   \\"Then don\\u0027t be so quick to dismiss it.\\" He kissed her forehead. \\"I have things that I will give to you, and I can let you manage the Stock if you want.\\"

   \\"Thank you, but that\\u0027s not what I meant.\\" She stood up and faced the painting again. \\"You said something earlier that I didn\\u0027t quite understand. That painting...\\"


   \\"It\\u0027s a vision.\\"

   \\"Of course it is,\\" he said. \\"It\\u0027s a vision of us.\\"

   \\"I don\\u0027t know what that means.\\"

   \\"You\\u0027ll know soon enough.\\" He picked up the wine and said, \\"You\\u0027ll drink this with me if you\\u0027ll help me run the stock?\\"

   \\"I\\u0027d be happy to help you, but what does this involve?\\"

   \\"It involves getting drunk.\\"

   She sighed, smiling. \\"Yes, I\\u0027ll help you.\\"

   He poured the wine, handing it to her. \\"To our survival.\\"

   They drank.


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随机推荐: 用爱发电,用心感受不同职业对各种骚货美女的侵犯2同窗糖糖被我干乡下小孩与城里熟女美丽奇迹(01)淫贱的妻子各国男人如何提升性能力《都市奇缘》 - 第024章 拥抱《狂帝百美缘(护花野蛮人)》 - 第031章 小妹的主动